Click Here for Regional Precipitation Maps

MRMS Recent Precipitation (24hr, 48hr, 72hr, 7-day, 10-day, 14-day)

last 24hrs precip
last 48hrs precip
last 72hrs precip
last 7-Days precip
last 10-Days precip
last 14-Days precip

MRMS Hail Maps (24hr, 72hr, 7-day)

last 24hrs hail
last 3-days hail
last 7-Days hail

7-day AHPS Recent Precipitation: Observed, Percent of Normal, Departure from Normal

7-day Obs
7-day Dept
7-day Pcent

14-day AHPS Recent Precipitation: Observed, Percent of Normal, Departure from Normal

14-day Obs
14-day Dept
14-day Pcent

30-day AHPS Recent Precipitation: Observed, Percent of Normal, Departure from Normal

30-day Obs
30-day Dept
30-day Pcent

60-day AHPS Recent Precipitation: Observed, Percent of Normal, Departure from Normal

60-day Obs
60-day Dept
60-day Pcent

Water-Year-To-Date AHPS Recent Precipitation: Observed, Percent of Normal, Departure from Normal

wytd-day Obs
wytd-day Dept
wytd-day Pcent

Year-To-Date AHPS Recent Precipitation: Observed, Percent of Normal, Departure from Normal

ytd-day Obs
ytd-day Dept
ytd-day Pcent

CDAS Recent Temperature Anomalies

7-day T anom
15-day T anom
30-day T anom

CDAS 30Day Solar Flux Anomalies

30-day US Solar
30-day SA Solar

Seasonal Snowfall

snow total
snow departure
snow percent

PRISM Growing Degree Days and Stress Degree Days Since April 1

gdd anom
gdd total
sdd anom